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Calling the attention to NetBiome-CSA on the Brussels Overseas' event

17 Nov 2015

Following the participation of NetBiome-CSA Coordinator Prof. José Azevedo in the European Parliament Intergroup “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” event entitled Promoting partnerships in the European Overseas last october 20th (see related news), the NetBiome-CSA project is acknowledged in the event final report:

"The project “NetBiome” was further emphasised as it promotes research for biodiversity in support of sustainable development. It was explained that this partnership is maintained by a CSA and the project will end in April with the partnership ending with it. It was called upon the EU to sign a memorandum of understanding in order to maintain this partnership outside the current funding by the EU. The importance of maintaining partnerships that already exists was stressed as they help generate local knowledge of biodiversity."

The full report can be downloaded here.