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Promoting partnerships in the European Overseas - From the "Guadalupe Roadmap" to the UNFCCC COP21

20 Oct 2015
NetBiome-CSA is participating today at a conference organized by the European Parliament Intergroup “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”.



The NetBiome-CSA coordinator is participating today at the conference Promoting partnerships in the European Overseas. The conference, organized by the European Parliament Intergroup “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” takes place one year after the adoption of the Message from Guadeloupe Island at the international conference on biodiversity and climate change where the NetBiome-CSA consortium led a Workshop and organised its Second Session of NetBiome-CSA Challenge Specific Workshops (see related news here).

Taking into account the global importance of the biodiversity found in ORs and OCTs, as well as the challenges they are facing, it is expected that the debate addresses how partnerships can be fostered to support ORs and OCT actors, which is called for in the EU Biodiversity Strategy.

NetBiome-CSA project is being disseminated informally by its coordinator, Prof. José Azevedo.