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Multi Stakeholder and Transregional Dialogue on Challenges to Sustainable Management of Biodiversity

Introduction to NetBiome-CSA's 4 Main Challenges:


In order to strengthen research partnerships and cooperation in tropical and subtropical Outermost Regions (ORs) and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), the NetBiome-CSA project is fostering trans-regional dialogues with stakeholders from the various ORs and OCTs.

During 10 months (August 2013-June 2014), field expertise from a large panel of biodiversity stakeholders (civil society, the industry, policy makers and practitioners, scientific community) from ORs and OCTs was shared and enhanced during an iterative consultation process in order to build a consensus on 4 main common challenges in conciliating conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in support to sustainable development in ORs and OCTs.

The 4 challenges and their outlines were finalized during a first session of challenge specific workshops organised in the continuation of the NetBiome-CSA’s first international conference, held in the Canary Islands (Spain) on May 2014.


The NetBiome-CSA’s 4 main challenges for conciliating conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in tropical and subtropical ORs and OCTs of Europe are: 

1.  Integrated Biodiversity conservation through spatial planning;
2.  Sustainable agriculture and forestry practices;
3.  Sustainable management and effective conservation of biodiversity;
4.  Knowledge base decision making in marine and coastal issues.


Click here to download the synthetic description of the challenges.

The complete challenge outlines can be accessed here. This report includes, in Appendix 1, a description of the iterative consultation process implemented to define the challenges.


Multi Stakeholder and Transregional Dialogue


Under the lead of dedicated facilitators, platforms for transregional and multi stakeholder dialogue on the 4 challenges are presently set up and will facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experiences between various stakeholders and disciplines from ORs and OCTs, in order to:


1. Build communities of concerned actors around specific topics, to ease the sharing of capacity and the implementation of joint activities (notably constituting consortia for research calls).
2. Formulate research recommendations, notably to guide debates during national and ERA programme committees, advising their uptake as call topics in forthcoming calls in H2020 or future programmes dedicated to European ORs and OCTs. More direct uptake will be sought through biodiversity related ERA-Nets and the implementation of joint research calls.
3. Address the gaps in knowledge transfer in order to improve the uptake of research results.
4. Raise recommendations for improving the policy environment at the relevant scales. Depending on the challenge or the topics within each challenge, the policy level to be stimulate can be local, national, regional or European. The content and communication strategy will be adapted to the most relevant target audience.
5. Etc.


Various forms of dialogues

Each challenge specific platform will gather pool of willing experts from different regions, countries and territories as well as other international expertise. Considering the geographic dispersion of overseas entities mobilized on those topics, the brainstorming activities will have various formats, including:


Challenge specific workgroup sessions

Synergies with other initiatives are systematically sought:

1. The first session of challenge specific workshops was organized in the continuation of the NetBiome-CSA’s first international conference, held in the Canary Islands (Spain) on May 2014.
2. The second session was organized on the 21th of October, on the sidelines of the  International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change, organized in Guadeloupe 22-24 October 2014 (by EU, CBD, BVI, OCTA, IUCN, French Government, Regional Council of Guadeloupe).


Additional information on the next workshops’ sessions will be published here (available soon).


Dematerialized platforms

In order to pursue knowledge sharing for local grounding and general improvement, the drafted findings of those brainstorming activities are shared below.

Feed-back from the community of concerned actors is welcome (by November 2015), in order to maximize relevance and impacts of the expected outputs, which are:

1. Recommendations for policy makers and managers, taking into consideration the most relevant scale for decision making and implementation.
2. Proposals of operational research questions, in support to sustainable development.


Access to the challenge specific drafted findings:

First step: Click on the link of the challenge you are interested to contribute to, in order to get access to the available documents

Second step: Contact the facilitator(s) of the challenge(s) for direct feed-back 

Challenge 1: Integrated Biodiversity conservation through spatial planning; (available soon)
Challenge 2: Sustainable agriculture and forestry practices; (available soon)
Challenge 3: Sustainable management and effective conservation of biodiversity [.pdf] - Facilitator: Soroya Sierra
Challenge 4: Knowledge base decision making in marine and coastal issues. (available soon)