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Good practice guidelines for tropical and subtropical biodiversity preservation

To promote the implementation and enhance the impact of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the CBD Strategic Plan, the project will develop Good Practice Guidelines for Tropical and Subtropical Biodiversity Preservation.


The report “Good practice guidelines for tropical and subtropical biodiversity conservation”, provides an overview of the c. 80 good practices that were compiled for the EU Overseas Areas, including the methodology that was used for gathering the data and information.


The exchange of good practices is expected to help stakeholders to be aware of ongoing work that has been and is being conducted for the conservation of biodiversity in EU Overseas Areas, reduce replication in efforts, and save time and resources.


The report highlights and describes in detail eleven examples of good practices, addressing different regions and topics. These examples include:

a) Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA)

b) Dutch Caribbean Biodiversity Database (DCBD)

c) Atlantis Database

d) Fauna records collecting and sharing Website

e) Total Economic Valuation of Bermuda’s Coral Reefs

f) Economic value of seagrass meadows

g) Marine Ecotourism at El Hierro Island

h) Marine Protected Areas and Recovery of Benthic Communities

i) ZoNeCo Program: a local R&D program dedicated to the sustainable management of marine resources of New Caledonia

j) Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire (STCB)

k) Co-management of a local small scale sea-cucumber fishery in the North-West region of New Caledonia


The Good practice guidelines for tropical and subtropical biodiversity conservation [.pdf] report was delivered on August 2015. The good practices presented in the report are not exhaustive.  

The good practice guidelines are also accessible through the NetBiome-CSA’s Biodiversity Management Toolbox through a comprehensive list and through an online search tool.