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The EU overseas entities are well-known hotspots of terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity. They support unique ecosystems that are home to an estimated one-third of the globally threatened species, including many endemic species. While ecotourism and fisheries activities illustrate an example of the critical role of biodiversity in supporting sustainable development in the regions, the EU appreciates the importance of upholding access to maintained fisheries grounds, marine and terrestrial genetic resources, mineral exploration and a foothold in the high seas in three oceans. However, diverse direct human pressures, natural hazards and/or climate change contribute to the progressing decline of their extraordinarily rich biodiversity.

NetBiome-CSA starts from an existing biodiversity research partnership based on ORs and OCTs, focused on financing high quality research, and takes on the challenge of mobilizing further stakeholders at all the levels of the quadruple helix (knowledge institutions, enterprises, government and civil society) in order to identify, and then to address, perceived priority challenges in conciliating conservation and sustainable management of tropical biodiversity with the sustainable development of Europe's regions and territories, based on the benefits from high biodiversity. In doing so, NetBiome-CSA will facilitate improved knowledge transfer and uptake, provide appropriate tools and models to manage information and data for policy makers, and raise awareness of natural resources, including raw materials.