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BiodivERsA network: Final Conference & Kick-off meeting of projects under the call "Invasive species and biological invasions"

08 Sep 2014
The BiodivERsA network, aiming in identifying the most pressing issues for biodiversity at a European, transnational scale, is announcing two major concluding events to be held in Paris at the 2nd and 3rd of October 2014.



Biodiversity scientific research has demonstrated that the loss and degradation of ecosystem services are accelerating at an unprecedented rate and at a global scale. These damages impact not only the natural world but also human society. It is therefore important that biodiversity science should receive the support it needs to offer practical solutions to these major problems. BiodivERsA came in response to this need in building a dynamic, sustainable platform to identify the most pressing strategic issues for biodiversity. It supports and promotes excellence in biodiversity research that is relevant to biodiversity policy and management, at a European transnational scale.


The BiodivERsA network is pleased to announce two major events of the network on October 2nd and 3rd, in Paris, France:

  • the final conference of the BiodivERsA project (2010-2014)
  • the kick-off meeting for the research projects funded under its 2012-2013 joint call on the theme "Invasive species and biological invasions".


Interventions will include, amongst others, keynote speeches by Dr. Bob Scholes from CSIR in South Africa, and by representatives from the European Commission, notably by Kurt Vandenberghe, Director for Directorate Climate Action and Resource Efficiency in DG R&I.


Over the past four years of cooperation, BiodivERsA partners have launched four pan-European joint calls and funded around 35 pan-European research projects and also mapped the biodiversity research landscape for Europe in an original way. The final conference will be an opportunity to demonstrate the impact and added value of the network’s achievements so far, and give insights on the future of the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and future challenges for research in the field.

The final conference will be held on the 2nd of October, in the afternoon (14:00-18:00) and the kick-off meeting on the 3rd of October, (9:00-17:00), in Paris, at Le college des Bernardins 20, rue de Poissy, 75005.


To register to the final conference and/or the Kick off of 2012-2013 projects, please follow the link.

For more information on BiodivERsA, please visit the official website

For more information on the projects funded under the 2012-2013 call "Invasive species and biological invasions", please follow the link.