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Conference Documents

NetBiome-CSA First International Conference "Boosting sustainable development from high biodiversity: Prospects for green and blue growth in ORs and OCTs"

Final Agenda here [PDF] 921Kb


Session 2: The NetBiome-CSA project: biodiversity in ORs and OCTs

- The NetBiome-CSA project: where we came from and where we are going (José Azevedo, FRC). [PDF] 1MB

- A view on the characteristics of stakeholders involved in tropical and subtropical biodiversity in ORs and OCTs (Vanessa Weck, Guadeloupe Region-RG). [PDF] 1MB

- Terrestrial and marine bioclimatic characterization of the ORs & OCTs (Niels Raes, Stichting Naturalis Biodiversity Center-NATURALIS). [PDF] 3MB

- Evidence on the economic value of biodiversity and ecosystem services in ORs and OCTs (Holger Gerdes, Ecologic Institute-ECOLOGIC). [PDF] 793KB


Session 3: Sustainable development from high biodiversity in ORs and OCTs

-  The European Initiative BEST, a new European scheme dedicated to ORs and OCTs (Carole Martinez, International Union for Conservation of Nature – IUCN). [PDF] 12MB

-  Enabling a diversity approach - General overview of OCTA’s research priority lines, network, challenges & innovation examples in ORs and OCTs (Janice Panton & Jimena Arango M., Overseas Countries and Territories Association – OCTA). [PDF] 598KB

-  Biodiversity on the road to Green Economy (António Abreu, Biologist). [PDF] 1MB

-  Information technologies to build a sustainable future and a transition to green societies based on knowledge; Interactive Mapping Tool for Biosphere Reserves and similar territories (Javier P. Marrero, Interra SL). [PDF] 6MB

-  European ORs and OCTs: The role of green and blue growth in the exploitation, protection and continuing evolution of cultural biodiversity (Colin Hindmarch, Ecological Consultant). [ZIP] 10MB


Session 4: Challenges related to biodiversity management and conservation in ORs and OCTs

-  Smart and sustainable management of (sub)tropical biodiversity: Collective definition of 4 common challenges and implications for research collaboration and policy landscape (Pablo Chavance, Economic Development Agency of New Caledonia). [PDF] 1MB