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NetBiome-CSA Press Release: β€œAn international conference for boosting sustainable development in Outermost Regions (ORs) and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) of the European Union (EU)”

22 May 2014
The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) will host next Tuesday 27 th of May the first international conference organised by the NetBiome-CSA project, which is funded by the European Union (EU), Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) 2007– 2013.

With  the  title  “Boosting  sustainable  development  from  high  biodiversity:  Prospects  for  green  and  blue growth in ORs and OCTs”, this event represents the first of a series of milestones and international meetings planned within the context of the NetBiome-CSA project.  

“The International Conference will be an excellent opportunity for stakeholders to present and discuss their ideas on topics related to biodiversity conservation and valorisation in European overseas” (José Azevedo, NetBiome-CSA Project Coordinator).

Please acess the press release here [PDF] 520Kb