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[WORKSHOP] Atlantic workshop - Funchal

From: To:
17 Mar 2014
17-18 March 2014

The "Atlantic workshop" will be held on 17-18 March 2014 in Funchal, Madeira Island, promoted by DG-MARE with the collaboration of The Autonomous Government of Madeira.

The European Commission is supporting the organization of a number of seminars to support stakeholders in implementing the Atlantic Action Plan. These seminars aim to be very practical and we encourage interaction and cooperation between all interested parties.

The objective of the seminar is to help stakeholders learn about and devise ideas for projects in the Outermost Regions that would meet the needs of the Atlantic Action Plan and that could benefit from EU or private funding, with a specific focus on European Territorial Cooperation funding.


Registry form and more information here

Venue: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal