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New EEA publication "Marine messages"

25 Feb 2014
A new European Environment Agency (EEA) publication on the current state-of-affairs of European seas and their usage was released in the 20th of February outlining the NetBiome-CSA objective of "provide the basis for increased research efforts and excellence".

The European seas are home to a rich and diverse array of species, habitats and ecosystems. Although vital for Europe's economic and social wellbeing, many of these ecosystems risk being irreversibly damaged by human activities. "Marine messages", a briefing from the European Environment Agency (EEA), provides an overview of the current state-of-affairs of European seas and the use of them. It argues that economic activities including transport, fishing, offshore energy and tourism should be better managed so that they ensure sustainable health of marine ecosystems.


For more information see

To access the publication see [5.2MB]

Source: EEA website