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The transatlantic rally for cruising sailors, from the Canaries to the Caribbean, will support scientific research into better understanding our oceans

11 Nov 2013
An ecotourism activity that relies on the resources of the ORs and OCTs and that might help on ocean knowledge and nature conservation efforts.

The founder of the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) has launched a new annual transatlantic rally, aimed at reigniting the original spirit of the ARC, that of a non-commercial, non-competitive event for cruising sailors, with an emphasis on the safety, and the enjoyment, of participating in this kind of amateur event.

For this event The Nebiome-CSA partner, PLOCAN, supported NOAA distributing drifters that will be deployed in the middle of the Atlantic to follow the oceanic circulation.

This event will take place between Canary Islands and the Caribbean islands on the following dates:

I) On the 17th November 2013, from Lanzarote (Canary Islands) to Martinique

II) On the 12th January 2013, from La Palma (Canary Islands) to Grenada (Caribbean)

For more information see here and here
