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NetBiome-CSA International Conference at the European Parliament: A huge success!

07 Apr 2016
On April 6th key speakers and participants got together at the European Parliament to discuss the future of research on (sub)tropical biodiversity in support of sustainable development in Europe´s Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories.

On Wednesday April 6th, the NetBiome-CSA project held its 2nd International Conference “Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation: A NetBiome Roadmap for European (sub)Tropical Overseas” at the Euopean Parliament. The event was co-chaired by MEP Ricardo Serrão Santos and MEP Maurice Ponga. There were more than 60 participants from different EU overseas entities and mainland Europe.   

Opening panel - From left to right: Francisco Printo, Ricardo Serrão Santos (MEP), Humberto Delgado (DG Environment) and Birgit de Boissezon (DG Research & Innovation) Event participants


Colin Hindmarch, NetBiome-CSA Advisory Board Member chaired the event´s first panel focusing on the assets and achievements of overseas research cooperation. The participants learned why and how the NetBiome partnership came into being in 2007 and how NetBiome ERA-Net, through its funded projects, strengthened links and created networks among ORs, OCTs and EU mainland researchers with complimentary skills and expertise.


Panel 1 - From left to right: António Abreu, Colin Hindmarch, Ricardo Serrão Santos, Josiane Irissin-Mangata, Claudine Ah Peng and Pierre-Yves Teycheney Colin Hindmarch, Panel 1 chair Josiane Irissin-Managata with NetBiome ERA-Net awardees


The second panel was chaired by Carol Martinez, NetBiome-CSA Advisory Board Member and it focused on the achievements of the NetBiome-CSA project in strengthening European Research Cooperation in (sub)tropical biodiversity in ORs and OCTs. The multi-stakeholder dialogue that led to the formulation of the four main challenges and the policy recommendations and research priorities for research cooperation on the main challenges identified was presented. Participants also learned about the project´s Biodiversity Management Toolbox, a valuable and interactive biodiversity management tool. Taking into account the impressive results of the network since its inception, the future options for maintaining the NetBiome network was also discussed.


Panel 2 - From left to right: Pablo Chavance, Carole MArtinez, Ricardo Serrão Santos, José Azevedo, Rob Hendrix Carole Martinez, Panel 2chair Participant reading NetBiome-CSA Strategic document


The meeting presentation and materials are available online at the event webpage.