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Conference documents

NetBiome-CSA Second international Conference "Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation - A NetBiome Roadmap for European (sub)Tropical Overseas"

Conference Agenda and Presentations:

Final Agenda here [PDF]


Panel 1: Assets and achievements of overseas research cooperation

- Building research partnerships: the birth of NetBiome (Josiane Irissin-Mangata, Reunion Region - RR) [PDF]

- Major scientific opportunities for research in EU Overseas (António Abreu, Biologist) [PDF]

- Message from researchers of the NEtBiome ERA-Net joint call (Claudine Ah-Peng and Pierre-Yves Teycheney, Biologists) [PDF]


Panel 2: Towards a roadmap for the NetBiome partnership

- Biodiversity valuation in EU Overseas (Keighley McFarland, Ecologic Institute-ECOLOGIC) [PDF]

- A toolbox for cooperation in biodiversity management (Rob Hendrix, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Caribbean Netherlands - MinEZ) [PDF]

- Stakeholder-driven definition of research priorities and policy recommendations (Pablo Chavance, Economic Development Agency of New Caledonia) [PDF]

- Planning the future of the NetBiome partnership (José Azevedo, FRCT) [PDF]


NetBiome-CSA promotional video


Conference Materials:

- Project factsheet [PDF]

- Project achievements factsheet [PDF]

- NetBiome-CSA Strategic Document [PDF]

- NetBiome-CSA Biodiversity Management Toolbox flyer [PDF]

- NetBiome-CSA Biodiversity valuation in EU overseas research brief [PDF]

- NetBiome ERA-Net funded projects Factsheets [PDF]