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[CONFERENCE] Second Mares Conference - Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation

From: To:
01 Feb 2016
1 to 5 February 2016, Olhão, Portugal


The second international Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation will be held from the 1st to 5th February 2016 in Olhão, Portugal. The conference is an initiative from the MARES Joint Doctoral Programme and the EuroMarine Network.


It presents a unique opportunity to bring together marine researchers, scientists, educators, and policymakers to address the key issues regarding marine ecosystems health and conservation. The conference will be dynamic and innovative, by providing a mixture of oral presentations, scientific exhibitions and training workshops. Throughout the conference scientific sessions and exhibitions the following six thematic subjects will be explored, with keynote speakers presenting on each theme:


- Future oceans: temperature changes - hypoxia – acidification - Professor Jean-Pierre Gattuso

- Understanding biodiversity effects on the functioning of marine ecosystems - Professor Steve Widdicombe

- Biological invasions - Professor Anna Occhipinti Ambrogi

- Natural resources: overexploitation, fisheries and aquaculture - Dr Jake Rice

- Ocean noise pollution - René Dekeling

- Habitat loss, urban development, coastal infrastructures and marine spatial planning - Dr Tundi Agardy


Registered participants are invited to present proposals for short oral presentations or posters. Please see the instructions for abstract submission in the events’ website. Abstract submission until 9th October 2015.


Date: 1st to 5th February 2016

Abstracts deadline: 9th October, 2015

Early registration deadline: 29th October 2016

Venue: Real Marina Hotel and Spa, Olhão, Portugal


Further details on the conference themes, keynote speakers, programme and training workshops can be found at the event’s website or at the event’s Facebook page.