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Pre-announcement of the BiodivERsA 2015 call for Pan-European research proposals

09 Feb 2015
The BiodivERsA ERA-Net announced the launch of its next call to be launched in May 2015 with an indicative global budget of 30 million euro

The BiodivERsA ERA-Net announced the launch of its next call, co-funded by the European Commission, that will cover the two following themes:


-Theme 1: Understanding and managing the biodiversity dynamics of soils and sediments to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services;

-Theme 2: Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics in land, river and sea scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities) to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services.


The call is planned to be launched in May 2015, with a closing date in early November 2015. The indicative global budget for this call is ca. 30 million euro.


Scientific teams will be invited to form transnational research consortia with teams from minimum 3 countries participating in the call. The research proposals will be evaluated across criteria of scientific excellence and policy relevance/stakeholder engagement (for more information on stakeholder engagement in BiodivERsA funded projects, please check the BiodivERsA Stakeholder Engagement Handbook). It is also expected that the European added value of the projects, which can include European OCTs and ORs, will be clearly demonstrated.


At this stage, the following countries have expressed a preliminary interest to participate to the call: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. These countries will have to confirm their participation to the call in April 2015. The updated list of participating countries will be published on the BiodivERsA website, on which information on the call will be regularly updated as well.