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[WORKSHOP] Observation Systems of Climate Change in the Pacific

From: To:
15 Mar 2015
28-29 April 2015, IRD Centre Noumea, New Caledonia
Registration deadline: 15 March 2015
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PACE-Net Plus and the GOPS, in association with PACE-SD, will jointly organize  a scientific workshop on Strengthening the Observation systems of Climate change and its impacts in the Pacific, for a sustainable management of resources and adaptation.


This workshop on climate change and its impacts due to natural variability and anthropogenic causes will focus on three scientific and technological area of research:

- Oceanography, ocean atmosphere interactions and variability;

- Impacts of climate change on the ecosystems and the biodiversity, on the marine and terrestrial resources;

- Impacts of climate change on societies.


Synthetic presentations will introduce discussions and exchanges about the following questions:

- What types of data and tools are needed? What impact will be addressed by which data?

- How will data be used and model integration will be achieved?

- What partnerships are needed to support and exploit these observation systems?


The central objective of this workshop will be to produce a guidance note for the European Institutions on the projects and tools for these systems of observation, as well as the partnerships to be implemented to strengthen those, in the perspective of the societal challenges relating to climate change in the Pacific.


The workshop will bring together experts from Pacific countries, from their regional organizations, and from Europe.


Download the information leaflet of the workshop here.

To register to the workshop, please follow the link.

For more information, please contact Jean-François Marini, PACE-Net+ Coordinator & Bernard Pelletier, GOPS Director.