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[CONFERENCE] EUR-OCEANS hot topics conference - A changing ocean

From: To:
06 Nov 2013
6 - 8 November 2013

The conference aims at showing progress and perspectives on selected ‘hot topics’ in Marine Science. Over the past 5 years, the EUR-OCEANS Consortium has identified, supported and promoted a number of such topics, notably by funding foresight workshops, flagship programs and other types of activities.

The 2.5-day conference also intends to pave the way for the integration of the EUR-OCEANS community in the future EuroMarine+ Consortium. In 2014, this Consortium will replace three former networks of excellence: EUR-OCEANS, MarBEF and Marine Genomics Europe. The conference will discuss opportunities for new multidisciplinary approaches, which such integration opens up, notably in the ‘trading zones’ where the three scientific communities can jointly address topics of common interest.

Selected hot topics include:

  1. Ocean deoxygenation and acidification
  2. High resolution ocean (or how meso and submesoscale physics constrains biogeochemistry and biology)
  3. Rapid change in polar oceans
  4. Ecosystem models and biodiversity scenarios for changing oceans
  5. Links between marine ecology, biodiversity and genomics
  6. Plasticity, epigenetics, adaptativeness.

Sessions on the above topics will leave ample room for discussion after two invited keynote talks. A final session will focus on the production of one or more joint synthesis article(s) and on future advances to be made within the EuroMarine+ context. Posters will be welcomed. Data and journal publishers also meet at the venue and a conference keynote presentation will highlight the future of open access, cross-disciplinary publication as a mean for integration. Progress on the EuroMarine+ Consortium Agreement will be presented and a signature ceremony should be held to mark the transition to EuroMarine+.

For more information see

Venue: PLOCAN, Gran Canaria, Spain