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Rome Declaration adopted at EurOCEAN 2014

09 Oct 2014
On the 08th of October 2014, the official presentation of the Rome Declaration took place at the EurOCEAN 2014 conference, an official event of the Italian EU Presidency.

Setting a vision for seas and ocean science to achieve an ecosystem approach to the management of Europe’s marine resources as a fundamental requirement for sustainable Blue Growth, the Rome Declaration sets out four high level goals and actions for delivering this vision.

The four goals comprise: Valuing the Ocean; Capitalizing on European leadership; Advancing ocean knowledge and; Breaking barriers.

"It’s a vision that is about connecting science, policy and people", stated Professor Ed Hill, Chair of the Rome Declaration Drafting Group, during the presentation of the Declaration.



The EurOCEAN 2014 conference brought together marine scientists from a broad range of disciplines with policymakers, industry and NGOs preforming a total of 340 participants representing 143 organizations from 31 countries.


Please access the Declaration here
